From m to ft | Meter to Feet Conversion

1 Meter = 3.28084 Foot
Formula multiply the Meter value by 3.281

From ft to m | Feet to Meter Conversion ▶

This Calculator allows you to convert from m to ftft meaning Feet unit. And m meaning meter unit.  Enter the value in the meters then click “Convert to feet” the converter will show you the same value in the feet.

How does m to ft Converter work?

1 Meter equals 3.28084 feet

1 Meter = 3.28084 feet
The value in feet equals the value in meter divided by 0.3048.


Length (feet) = Length (meter) / 0.3048


Example to convert from m to ft:

Convert 10 meters to feet.

Length (feet) = 10 meters / 0.3048 = 32.808

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